Sunday, September 02, 2007

Fox One-liners and Quickies

if you drink enough sometimes you can completely relive your drink with your puke

why wont she just like me
i think i need to slip some menstrual blood in her spaghetti

i cant guarantee toast
but i can guarantee a nice pair of sticky buns

injures me deep inside

burnin flesh is such delightful potpourri

too bad i missed the delusional train
i was probably out behind the station givin head to get high when that train left

all this runnin around and sweatin bullshit is imposin on my smokin habit

whats a girl gotta do to get a lil monistat

well im not that kinda girl
whos just friends with her infatuations

i was just her prop
i was just her slippery pole
well luckily im an interactive prop who gets to get laid in the process

i think like a man. i have this nonexistent penis. but bc im a girl its taken so wrong

people underestimate my manly side
all the time
til im crackin beer bottles over their heads and spewin obscenities

ive always wanted my lip stretched too
i want it stretched so far
you could fuck me in my lip with your cock

what would she know about feelin like youre losin your mind
she coudlnt even handle losin her telephone

i farted
and it was
the worst thing thats happened to my nose since my london coke binge

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